Alex Styl

Alex Styl


Quit Apple to build my online business from 0.
Joined November 2023
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I usually ping @marc (the guy behind WIP) via the telegram group and other people chip in if they like the idea.

Seen other people posting a question on the site and pinging him there too.

don't think there's a specific way of doing this

Wait, can you interact in Telegram? I thought it was only a Bot to send todo's.

interesting. if u hadnt told me it was AI i wouldnt have guessed.

A friend has built this:…

I don't use Notion so I don't know much about it, but I know he loves Notion and his business is on Notion. IIRC he sold some stuff with Notion + Lemonsqueezy as well

Thanks for the suggestion!
Yeah, I found it, too, in the research. It looks fantastic and is a perfect fit for my case.
I'd probably use it if I were sure that I'd get consistent sales in the future (it's a one-time payment guide). Otherwise, $31 / month seems a bit steep for now.

I do sign Ubidrop ( I distribute it on my own as I havent uploaded it to the App Store. I can't remember whether the first versions were signed or not. People were excited to use it as is.

I think that as long as you point point to the right direction (say the website) and tell them never to download the app from any other sites, you should be okay. Maybe add a tutorial on how to install the app, because it is a significant friction and measure app first runs vs downloads.

Thanks! I think for simplicity I'll try to get it published to the app store, and use a special link that opens the app store from the website when they click download/purchase.

I'll also try to apply for that 15% discount from Apple.

I used to send a lot (like every week or so) but I've stopped doing that as it would take me a lot of time to write good emails and send them out.

Instead I am focusing on social media with small releases all the time. Eventually I will send a 'big' email with everything that was released each month, but still trying to make it work so that it doesn't take all of my energy.

I don't see myself using it. I use wip for keeping myself accountable. I know how to grow my business or what to go after.

AFAIK the price is controlled by the domain owner and it is almost never fixed. you can negotiate the price with them. i wouldnt be too worried about the price going up because of this. they want to sell, you want to buy. find an agreement.

if for any reason you two don't find an agreement change the domain slightly. (ie instead of go with or similar)

wrote about the process at…

if I'm making money from the site/app already and want to double down on it I would purchase it. already done the same with which started

my fear is that the price of the domain will rise because my product exist. I don't know if another project with domain name are checked...

AFAIK the price is controlled by the domain owner and it is almost never fixed. you can negotiate the price with them. i wouldnt be too worried about the price going up because of this. they want to sell, you want to buy. find an agreement.

if for any reason you two don't find an agreement change the domain slightly. (ie instead of go with or similar)

wrote about the process at…

i assume you don't build because your last done was 3 months ago

posting ≠ building buddy

Sure, posting on WIP isn’t building. That said, you seem to be getting triggered over this but @alexstyl is absolutely right. The most successful people I know just:
1. Try building something
2. When stuck, Google or ChatGPT. Or even ask a question on a forum like this, but a much more targeted one. Usually some form of “I tried X, Y, and Z but can’t get Q to work. Any suggestions for workarounds?” - not some elementary level question like “how do I learn python?” At the end of the day, people are more likely to help you when you’ve told them what you’ve tried already, otherwise you come across as someone who isn’t willing to put in any effort or just wants to be spoonfed knowledge.
3. Rinse and repeat

You say you have 10 years of experience - with that much experience you should have already “learned how to learn” and unblock yourself. I used to coach engineers on my team about this as it’s what separates people who can ship and are assets vs. those that can’t and will slow the team down (or in the case of entrepreneurship, it’s a showstopper for building a successful company)

That might sound harsh but this is super important to running a business or building your own products too too. You have to be willing to execute, try things on your own + get it done at all costs with a minimal amount of outside assistance.

I'm triggered cause of the expectations I had with this platform. I asked a simple question but he chose to respond with some generic "builders build" comment, taking an opportunity to stroke his own ego.

I've asked the same question on Twitter, and some other communities, and got amazing responses!

The key to my question is the timeline: Max knowledge of fundamentals in a short period of time. If anything I see it as a mental resourcing challenge.

Entrepreneurs with intellectual humility would have better responses than trying to grandstand.

If you're wondering what a quality response looks like, I got these on other platforms:

  1. Watch Andrej Karpathy's YouTube video series.
  2. Book suggestion: Hands-on machine learning with scikit learn O'Reilly.

I know how to learn, but when there are millions of sources to learn on the internet, I was just looking for some specific direction from somebody who's done it before.

You’re reading way too much into it and you’re way off center. There’s no ego stroking - “just build it” is legit advice for learning something new, particularly on a fast timeline, and on a free platform I have no idea why you would have any expectations in terms of the responses you’d receive. It would be a different story if you were paying for mentorship or something along those lines.

If he really wanted to say "just build it," there's a difference between saying:

  1. "building is the best way" versus
  2. "this is a builder community. builders learn by building. if we were in your shoes we would build"

I know this is a building community. He automatically assumed that I wasn't a builder purely cause I didn't keep my streak up. The language is indicative of virtue signaling -- that he and his gang of builders are superior to someone asking a genuine question.

This doesn't require too much reading into it. The english is plain grandstanding and in-grouping.

Ok, tl;dr you don't like the way the answer was worded and your feelings were hurt. Fair. I'd still encourage you to a) remain centered even if you don't like some feedback you're getting b) look at the core of the answer vs. the way it was worded.

It's what worked for me too. I went from 0 to 1 in Python learning on the job shipping code and building stuff to meet a deadline. I don't know another effective way of learning a new skill fast.

Good luck!