Lost my streak again, something has to change
I really love this platform, but there is something in the UX of the bot who kills me.
Having to write "/done", Where 100% of my bot interactions are for this.
Can we just don't need it anymore?
Or can you use GPT to identify it's a task, and auto do-it ?
OR can the "I don't understand" come with a button "it's a task" and it allows us to click to validate it as a task instead of having to rewrite.
CleanShot 2024-09-07 at 09.27.54.png
308 KB
Having to write "/done", Where 100% of my bot interactions are for this.
Can we just don't need it anymore?
Or can you use GPT to identify it's a task, and auto do-it ?
OR can the "I don't understand" come with a button "it's a task" and it allows us to click to validate it as a task instead of having to rewrite.

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I do all my tasks on the website. Works much better for me because I rarely open chat apps and spend all my days in browsers
I rarely open chat apps. I only have 1 - - I've been using it for several months now
It has android, iOS, etc. and desktop app
same that the one in the screenshot :)
Yeah maybe make the default a completed task and require the user to add /todo to make it not-yet-completed.
We have only done tasks now.
ok so then maybe it's a legacy behavior from before when there were 'todos'.
problem was not using “/done” while sending the message to the bot
as u aware that there are other ways of submitting apps other than the bot?
there's the website, mac os app and i think some sort of raycast extension.
i havent had any issues with the bot so it might be a method issue than ux
Mac OS app? 😮
i tried it this year, it's very buggy. so i just use the website
The bot is the one who the reminder each time i forgot to log on website i click on the notif and answer.