You mean email marketing? ConvertKit is one to look up. Bootstrapped and exploded fast.
Everytime less and less. Use to be one year, then 1 month, 2 weeks, 1 week.
It depends but now I aim for 1 week. Not anything high tech though mostly simple websites.
Heroku works great by it's free tier does not support cron jobs and background tasks from what I remember. Haven't tried the others.
Thanks Alex - yeah, I'm mostly concerned about the ongoing database and background task(s)!
Heroku changes their free tier, it now allows 750 hours of free dyno time a month per an account. So you can run a Web & Worker dyno with a problem. Plus you can run cron jobs via Heroku Scheduler.
I've setup staging environments for a bunch of my clients & their bill for them is normally $0.00 :)
In a service I had in the past EVERY local business I signed up was in person, not even one signed up through facebook ads, although I tried.
So for me I would say in person 100%.
Also it's a great way to get feedback, you will be amazed how much people are willing to help if you are kind.
Just be careful not to get biased false positives for feedback.
Use any MVC framework and host the app on Heroku on a free dyno.
Keeping up with fellow makers reminds me to ship more.
Work out 4-5 a week or simply as much as you feel like, just work out.
I feel our modern western lifestyle is so un natural and new biologically and historically to our body, sitting all day on a laptop, our body just doesn't know wtf is going on because we don't satisfy it's innate biological reward systems ( climb a hill, hunt, gather [all physical] --> get endorphines in return ) it has had for thousands of years, yet it survives.
No crazy productivity tips for me, just work out and feel the benefits in your body and brain by the change in your hormones.
When I work out, I am happy, when I don't, I am a different person. I hope it makes sense.
"What is your next goal/milestone, what are you planning at the moment?", from a high-level perspective