Similar todos
change mailto links on site
fix mailto link on book landing page
Add suggested subject/body to mailto: apply-links #startupjobs
#sheet2site reply customer about how to change mailto link in header
fixed email link click issues #billisimo
#inweed come up with mailto workaround
#applicantai fix old links to cv with redirect in applicant email alerts
correct contact email mailto
#web3jobs add links to user profile if job apply url is email
start tracking mailto: links for jobs with only [apply_email] to by redirecting them with the redirector e.g. because Honu AI asked about it, before I didn’t because I wasn’t able to redirect to mailto: with PHP header(“Location:”) but now I use JS and it works #remoteok
#findmegigs add email in querystring in links in mails sent to users
add prefilled mailto link on survey response page so people can just click a link and the email will have the user response in the body
fix link in welcome email #blog2
fix link in welcome email #wip
login user with link in email
Better handle mailto link parsing when upsubscribing #auto