Similar todos
🐘 updated database backups to update main database nightly and wayback data weekly (can probably be monthly now)
🐘 migrated databases to free up space in main database
🚜 migrating a dozen or two databases through automation on a Friday morning as one does 🐘 #servers
🐘 makes an image of my old database server #servers
🐘 confirmed snapshot and 🔥 deleted old server #servers
Tweak #indiepg navbar a bit and benchmark some bigger backup and restore operations on a ~15GB database
🐘 switched #djangopackages over to a connection pool and it's super fast
🚜 moved dev databases from old laptop to new laptop. working on a better AWS automation script now #mylife
🍔 built a project scraper over lunch that I don't hate. I used sqlite-utils with mixed results. might just port it back to django and call it a day
refactored a scraper app to use django-q more effectively
🐘 upgraded database from Postgres 9.4 to Postgres 13 and migrated servers #djangopackages
used rclone to back up 5G's of scraped website files #conf
migrate old db data to new backend #isplogger
migrated database to make storage scaling easier
🐘 build a Django database router to find wayback data in the correct database
🐘 added simple history to project for tracking model changes
fix DB backup script to hopefully use less memory + not impact server #japandev
🐘 pushed user changes to events and topics along with some of the version control code #conf