Similar todos
📕 more Celery research for Django deployment project #mylife
🐘 more testing on Django Deploy and refactoring of the celery code #mylife
🚜 moved project over to celery so that I can work on webhooks today #mylife
experiment with python celery #shaunlol
added celery to #djangopackages and deployed it
Setup celery #airbot
Rewrite the settings/ for dockerized-django
🚜 Converted static project to Django #fortune500
upgrade django to v5 #nomadnetwork
swapped out Celery for Django-Q2 because I never got Celery fully up before and Q2 only requires one container #djangopackages
🚜 Moved from django-environ to environs[django] #conf
stream django coding #homestretch
🚜 worked on a new open source project that makes django work from the command line via django instead django-admin #research
#redacted Backend: Django + Django Ninja + Celery Frontend: React
⬆️ upgraded #djangopackages to Django 4.1
export frontend to django project
⬆️ updated #jobs to Django 5.0
deployed a #jsonify thing, everything immediately broke with timeouts. rewrote it all with celery like I should have to start.
Figured out that django-cookiecutter made celery run eager omg took 3 days #shaunlol