Similar todos
✏️ I wrote about Django Q2…
📕 more Celery research for Django deployment project #mylife
🚀 launched Celery and Celery Beat to run #concord on my Docker box
🚜 move celery config to django
🐘 more testing on Django Deploy and refactoring of the celery code #mylife
finished out more meetings but made a quick MVP Django Docker tool that I hadn't thought of perviously #mylife
dusted off an old Django project and started working on a v2 #mylife
✅ fixed docker and celery setup and tasks are flowing again
🐳 more Django Docker work #research
refactored a scraper app to use django-q more effectively
added celery to #djangopackages and deployed it
added dummy celery worker #leadstracker
🚜 moved project over to celery so that I can work on webhooks today #mylife
deployed a #jsonify thing, everything immediately broke with timeouts. rewrote it all with celery like I should have to start.
more django docker updates
refactored new project to use django-q and hooks which made the project start to update itself more than I was updating it.
queue: update rabbitmq/celery
#redacted Docker Compose all nice and running. Django + Redis + Postgres (pgAdmin+pghero) + Celery (Beat + Flower). For Frontend have Vite+React in a solid starting position.
Django 2.2 update #anyhow
experiment with python celery #shaunlol