Similar todos
updated project to use mypy and switched environment library over to environs which is pretty neat #conf
🚜 move celery config to django
created #ihm django project and environment
get django env set up with prod environement variables DON'T PUSH TO GITHUB
Remove old ENV vars that have since moved to Rails credentials #startupjobs
Rewrite the settings/ for dockerized-django
- breakdown the subtasks for the various settings for oppoin/fake_django_template to use .envs/.django and .envs/.postgres ✅ #greendeploy
move all settings to django-constance #sellgitlab
continued with porting #jobsinenglish to Django
adopted a nw Django community project #mylife
🚜 Converted static project to Django #fortune500
⬆️ upgraded #djangopackages to Django 4.1
⬆️ updated #jobs to Django 5.0
⬆️ upgraded #djangopackages to Django 4.0
⬆️ upgraded Django from 3.0 to 3.1 #djangonews
stream django coding #homestretch
- fixed the settings in for the dockerized django template ✅
deploy python 3.8 changes and pre-Django 2.2 removal to production for #djangopackages
🔼 Upgraded to Django 2.2 LTS #conf