Similar todos
Add form to to submit deals directly to our database (instead of via Airtable) #wip
connected airtable api to landing page so ppl see live updates of sponsorships #sponsorgap
apply airtable credits #fajarsiddiq
replaced airtable with own table of sponsors #sponsorgap
airtable form
created little airtable database demo of sponsors #sponsorgap
Add redirect to "Get listed" Airtable form #traits
write a submit form w/ Airtable API
add list of sources to Airtable #to9to5
App on Webflow with Alpine.js and Airtable
built airtable submit form as prototype #rc
get feedback, add jobs to Airtable, remove unnecessary button from the website
connection with airtable #rc
migrating from webflow cms to airtable #bestow
create table and form view in airtable to collect testimonials and success stories #accountantlist