Similar todos
fix issue with charts #spectate
#contracting Fix issue where lack of fallback hourly rate would cause calculation to fail
Fix chart to also display reported data #maritime
fixed a bug where a graph is not appearing #metrics
update annual income/revenue graph. I think something's weird due to eur:usd conversion rates this year
Update yearly finance model #lifeee
fixed issue in storage chart #capgo the chart was using only the last app as 0 value of the aggregate so the whole chart was then broken
historical data rechart #airflo
Cycle through years of income and expenditure data to most recently supplied data #givewithella
Fix wrong date showing up in the tooltips of the graph #simpleanalytics
Fix a chart display bug #useattractor
fix the #growthmachine finance tracking
fix double extrapolating current month data #remoteok /open…
validate financial report data
change to monthly graphs (from weekly) #wip
fix bug in graph #keylogs
fixed a bug with extreme graph values #metrics
fixed a bug where the x,y from a datapoint last year is calculated wrong #metrics
fix performance problems by not pre-loading 400 combinations of chart data going back to 1970 for every month but instead loading only the stock, the adjuster and the combination (n=3) #inflationchart
Update Finance spreadsheet #lifeee