Maritime platform that helps minimize costs for ship owners and charterers by providing weather routing services and performance monitoring
Fix docker image creation so that the solver binary doesn;t throw missing library errors #maritime
Disable respective route selection option, if dataset doesnt exist #maritime
Fixed Distance/Fuel Consumption/Speed tiles to work correctly with the calendar component (display correct data based on dataset and sing/multi day selection) #maritime
Fixed Weaather Conditions tile to work correctly with the calendar component #maritime
Fix case where reported data didn't get saved correctly in the appropriate route object #maritime
Transition to new vessel performance model and update relevant database entries #maritime
Recalculate client ask based on additional feedback #maritime
Improve performance models for vessels on Database. #maritime
Case study for client completed #maritime
close contract with agency client #maritime
Create documentation and task for engineering #maritime
Go meet client 2 and agree on Pilot for next year. #maritime
Add toggle-able geodesic filter in platform #maritime
Good weather is now green in the route #maritime
Fix bug where vessel didn't move during weather animation in some cases #maritime
Go meet client #maritime
Finish B2B Product Offerings catalog for 2025 and complete BD outreach for the day #maritime
Technical call for api integration with potential client #maritime
Enhance email performance monitoring capabilities #maritime