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gave in-depth copywriting / content storytelling feedback (no strings attached) #copywritingdelivery
Wrote sales page #freelance
Give new client feedback on his masterclass sales copy #freelance
wrote the next lesson 2.7 of the #freewritecamp masterclass, this time analyzing a product landing page of Simple Programmer
worked on deliverable 1 for a prospect client (about text plus extras) #copywritingdelivery
Completed the sales pitch page for new product!
Draft dev/product website copy #dev
started writing sales copy/messaging for features #artistsatscale
rewrite product description on Indiehackers #caravi
Wrote some marketing copy #tweetsweeper
Add product to Gumroad, write copy too
receive valuable feedback from my copywriting peeps regarding the landing page copy of #superresponder
wrote text for product hunt #rssmailer
write a bunch of copy for the sales page #reactd32018
created product page for #sponsorgap on indiehackers #sponsorgap
Finish writing posts for IndieHackers product page #pagesonpages
Ask for feedback on landing page copy:… #unblockdomains !private
Review & rewrite parts of AI influencers course landing page copy #prompthero
work on sales page copy #perspectiva