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Bought domain from Namecheap #indiejourney #profilepictureapp
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Updated title, meta tags, added canonical meta tag for old URL on personal domain - #indiejourney #profilepictureapp
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Decided to f it and just deploy the rough version first. Will add domain later, and task logs to come - #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom
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begin work on wiring up the web; make public repo; switched from do back to github; added cloudflare; waiting to it to prop #dailyvibes
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pushed a new github repo to house some writing projects #mylife
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Made my first public Github repository and deployed a test project via Vercel at #13startups
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🚜 moved to GitHub Pages, Jekyll, and Cloudflare #mylife
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Private repo and deployed! - #listskit
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created repo on github for the project. #shaz
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Pushed today's work to github #dfe
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deploy to github pages and make it live! #partyjenga
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YES fixed it!!! Managed to 301 redirect the subdirectory path /profilephotoeditor to to ! Using netlify.toml file worked. Now we in business 💈 #profilepictureapp
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Managed to solve the cross-origin issue and get editable placeholder working! #indiejourney #profilepictureapp
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Bought new domain for new community #fajarsiddiq
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deployed a new GitHub App on which isn't super useful yet but I got the service working.
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Move personal site to github
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Make Github Repo #composeicons
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#drs Create Github repo.
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create github app #teamci
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Transferred from Cloudflare to Netlify, and redirected to #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom
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