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5x5x100kg deadlift 4x8x80kg bench press 4x8x100kg leg press 3x10x40kg ohp 3x10x wide grip pull up 3x12x60k leg extension 3x12x60kg seated wide grip cable row 3x20x vertical knee raise #gym
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3x12x26kg incline db press 3x12x52kg lat pulldown 3x12x64kg cable triceps pulldown 3x12x16kg hammer curl 3x12x45kg leg extension #gym
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one leg step up 3x10x40cm hyper extension 3x10x25kg single leg extension 3x10x25kg RFESS jumps 3x10x20kg barbell row 4x8x60kg triceps pulldown 3x15x32kg biceps rope pull 3x10x32kg #life
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3x12x70kg incline bp 3x12x14kg db preacher curl 3x12x50kg leg extension 3x12x59kg seated cable row 3x12x64kg cable triceps pulldown #gym
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3x12x80kg bench press 3x9x wide grip pull up 3x12x50 leg extension 3x12x64kg cable triceps pulldown 3x12x34kg cable biceps curl #gym
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3x10x49kg lat pulldown 3x12x42kg seated cable row 3x8x49kg shoulder press 3x12x35kg leg extension 3x12x decline ab crunch #gym
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3x12x34kg incline db press 3x12x59kg seated cable row 3x12x60kg leg extension 3x12x14kg db hammer curls 3x12x dips 4x5x wide grip pull up #gym
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4x10x25kg single leg ext 4x10x single leg standing calf raise 4x10x30kg hyper ext 3x10sec/30sec L-sit 2x8x20kg🤕 lying leg curl #gym
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5x5x60kg bench press 5x5x wide pull up 5x5x59kg leg extension 5x5x59kg seated cable row #gym
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5x5x pull up 4x8x52kg rope pull 3x10x52kg seated cable row 3x12x22kg hyper extension 3x8x25kg alt leg curl #life
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4x8x80kg bench press 4x8x pull up 4x8x60kg leg extension 4x8x18kg seated db ohp 3x12x32kg cable biceps curl 3x12x54kg triceps cable pushdown #gym
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3x20x leg raise 3x10x hanging dips 3x8x wide grip pull up 4x12x52kg leg extension 3x12x50kg barbell row 3x10x vertical ring row #gym
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A1 squat 5x8x70kg+ A2 romanian deadlift 5x8x60kg+++ B1 leg extension 4x10x45kg++ B2 leg curl 4x10x45kg++ C walking dumbbell lunges 3x24x2x18kg+ #life
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back and leg day
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#gym leg day leg day
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4x10x25kg single leg ext 4x10x single leg standing calf raise 4x10x50kg lex curl 4x10x20kg hyper extension 4x10x strict toes to bar #gym
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4x10x25kg single leg ext 4x10x single leg standing calf raise 4x10x50kg lex curl 4x10x24kg hyper extension 4x5x wide grip pull up #gym
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3x12x32kg incline db press 3x12x66kg lat pulldown 3x12x60kg leg extension 3x12x50kg cable rope pulldown 3x12x44kg cable rope biceps curl #gym
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Attempt legday at home #life
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