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It's been a day job intense (~13 hours) with good conversations and various tasks. Because of that and my Stoicism voiceover show it was a rich day. #hip
Good day. First, 5 hours day job then 7 hours of producing and publishing stolenvoice tv 32 #hip
finished a weird day with some invests in tech/gear (Canon 6D Mark II et. al), some hours of day job and setup of my new phone (iPhone X). Not productive in classic sense but it was necessary to have a day like. Now, time for breakfast (as the last meal of the day today ^^ - my bio rhyhtm being slightly fucked up) "#social3"
Friday is vlogging day, stolenvoice tv. After a good morning walk at 5.30am, some 3 hours of pre-writing the content for today's show and my day job for some hours, I'm now translating everything I've written (around 2.000 words) into German #hip
After a social Saturday and no day job, I used the Sunday for some day job work, the masterclass lesson 1.7 as well as finances and cleaning my inbox- yes, the rather (except for fwc) boring stuff 😉 #hip
spent bascially all day collecting and researching the stuff I want to invest in (mostly tech gear related to my 3-2-1 backup system, mobile voiceover recording and video editing equipment). That came as a surprise (like yesterday was a suprise as well). It also meant that now, at the end of the day I bascially accomplished nothing except for the walk outside and a bit of the day job. But it's ok because these investments have been in my mind for weeks now. Feeling calmer and better becasue I can put a checkmark ✅ in front of that topic 🙂 #hip
After 1.75h (and .75h of pre-writing) I wrote the compelte episode 30 of stolenvoice tv. Now only recording, publishing and sharing do follow. It's possible that I could produce that piece within 6 hours this time. doG give me power! ^^ #hip - I just realized the tag I've been using is the first part of hip-hop *haha* 😄
(on Thursday 22) finished the "Home Studio" Drip emails, made it until "Module 11 – Delivery Speed – Fast" of the "Advanced Voiceover to Pro Standard" course, watched "British Voice Artists: Making it in America" webinar and wrote my weekly confession in terms of what I got done in the last 7 days #stolenvoice
was so "crazy" today to skip producing & published today's show (stolenvoice tv 29) and relax and nap instead. I needed and almost don't feel bad I did. Tomorrow I'll do it then because I know it's important for me to get it done. But I also want to take time for rest when it's the right time. #hip
Good day again, lots of day job hours (~7h), daily voicover show and a few hours for other voiceover work. I'm making progress little by little but I'm no longer stressed through my impatience. I'm in a good state of mind and I'm loving that's it like that! 🙂 #hip
a "funny" it was, macmini came, skype call with my client with also uncomfortable topics (speaking of bureaucratic stuff that ultimately means I HAVE TO find new clients to create revenue from those) which essentially means that I have to move my ass into a direction where I do make money with voiceover and not only "play around" - that's life: a drama of high and low and all the things in between.... 😉 #hip
wrote my Thursday confession / 7-days review of what I got done in terms of VO biz and art, submitted my new VO performances to get pro feedback and some interaction with another VO student #stolenvoice
walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,23 km/h - remarks: I was walking faster than yesterday (almost 1 minute), and it was because I was shifting from being tired when I started walking (I had just got up) to „I have an idea how to make my new voiceover business work“. So, when I returned to my room after the walk, I wrote, set up a sign-up form, published three new posts and 4,5 hours later I was done. That was one of the most intense 4,5 hours that I had not planned at all for the day — but this only happened because I was walking outside (I forced myself to walk although I was tired) and let my thoughts flow. So, I invested 4,5 hours into what was not planned and but it felt to be the right things. Today’s „/done“ tasks will reflect that. Also to be noted: When you have ideas you move/walk faster. Head needs body, body needs head. And one needs movement to stay mentally in flow #health
Good day. Produced stolenvoice tv 31 in 7.5 hours. There's still room for improvement (doing it quicker) but I felt I was already having a pretty good / streamlined workflow (process) #hip
finished editing part 1 (day 1 out of 4) of my time at the London voiceover conference #stolenvoice
showing up today with entry 1 of my public diary logging my progress as a human person - feeling good, well-rested after a warm bath and a cold shower afterwards. Continuing the day with my day job and feeling grateful that I'm pursuing my path as an actor of voices - I'm using as a personal documentation tool not as a product development tool #hip
Thursday confession what I got done in my voiceover biz #stolenvoice
(was Friday, Feb 16) finished course "How to voice commercial", read the article related to that, continued the drip on setting up a home-recording studio and watched the webinar on "How to Record Yourself as a Voice Artist" #stolenvoice
🔥🧠🔥 Wow I worked 4 jobs today: 5-8am, 9am-4pm, 5-7pm, 8-10pm. Brain fried #indiejourney #decodingcoding
A great effect of a sabbatical is clarity: Today I defined the merger of stolenvoice tv and IGTV to become one show (one format) and only to published once a week (Friday) instead of daily IGTV (Mon-Fri) and weekly stolenvoice tv (Fri). Also, I'll use as the place where I'll write the full-text article whereas followed by the episode number will lead to the IGTV episode directly. Also, I'll be using my third 4 hours of my 12 total productive for either or music-making. #hip