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📝 drafted a blog article about Tailwind CSS and the advantages of it being fiddly #jeff
⬆️ Upgraded #jobs to use Tailwind CSS 3.4.0
write blog about HTML/CSS -> Tailwind converter… #cssscan
worked on a CSS to TailwindCSS converter tool. Probably giving up on that #mylife
Generate tailwind css code for UI using Vercel v0 #magicheader
⬆️ upgraded TailwindCSS to 1.8.7 for my blog and a bunch of other stuff #mylife
#gq Rip fonts from Typekit and setup Tailwind with brand guides so I can iterate quickly
Add first TailwindCSS template #tailplate
deploy new colors and fonts app
I've been experimenting with Tailwind CSS V4 and initially thought translating colors from the tailwind.config.js to PostCSS would be a hassle, if you have a lot to convert.
So, I created this small tool to make it easier.…
worked on tailwind style gen #shipr
🚜 re-ported some tailwindcss templates for styling forms to fix some conflicts with the tailwindcss/forms classes #jobs
🔨 picked up and mocked up several project screens #mylife
🎨 Finished up a quick dashboard using Tailwind UI #mylife
Replace all CSS with Tailwind CSS #betalist
🎨 worked through more Refactoring UI with Tailwind CSS on the issue tracking service. It's going well. #mylife
#blog Transfer blog post text layout from old CSS to Tailwind
🐳 fixed/deployed the new Tailwind CSS Docker config. It took a few more cycles to get it closer to correct. #lfk
Do quick redesign using TailwindCSS #blog
add section about converting CSS to Tailwind CSS #cssscan