Similar todos
add character art, test out 3rd person in homebase level, 1st person in tombs #mused
test out onboarding narrative explaining story as a weird fantasy level #mused
switch to 1st person in tomb & back in camp #mused
prototype game intro sequence starting in camp at giza and then getting drawn into first puzzle room/3d capture #mused
Add create story testcase #stenograph
read storytelling notes
tools for new story #starterstory
answers for starter story
construct basic temple interior as separate scene to reveal as narrative progresses #mused
Treehouse Code Adventures
feedback and prepare new story #starterstory
did my first walkthrough demo in preparation of recording it #mylife
hack together autoplay, text/no text, artifact focus mode & launch for Tomb of Nefertari… (trying to finish educational side on web and move to game) #mused
prototype moving from camp to tomb via photograph as portal [instead of descending passage] #mused
go minecraft with @PascalPixel and see his crazy cave and water jump and lava hot tub #pieter
basic tools form for stories #starterstory
finish coding test part 1