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Dokku: Starting going through this guide:… Got stuck for ~40mins on `git push dokku main` b/c I hadn't run the `git remote add dokku <url>` command correctly: I had to specify my droplet's IP instead of my domain name (b/c cloudflare blocks port 22), I wasn't supposed to start the URL with ssh://, and I somehow ended up with the wrong IP in the URL at one point.
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deploy to dokku on digital ocean #poolparty
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Finally got the Dokku Ruby on Rails example app working 😭 Apparently I just needed to reboot the droplet? `curl` to my droplet's IP wasn't working, `dokku ports:list ruby-getting-started` didn't show it listening on port 80, `dokku ports:add ruby-getting-started http:80:5000` resulted in an error saying nginx wasn't running. Rebooting seemed to fix it. Next up is trying to deploy my Go backend with Dokku. Destroyed the ruby demo dokku app. Resized my DO droplet to the $6/mo one.
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setup dokku and test how it works
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get dokku app up-and-running with help from @daniellockyer #pushmore
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set up dokku server
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deploy app to Dokku on digital ocean #mediumlytics
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Continuing to look into the CORS error I'm getting when my frontend tries to make an API request to my backend; it seems my backend dokku app wasn't deployed for some reason; destroyed my existing go dokku app and recreated it and then struggled with an error for a while before realizing I had the same issue a few days ago and the solution was to run `dokku builder:set backend-app build-dir backend`; now getting an error saying the download for my specified version of Go is "unknown to the buildpack"; after much trial-and-error I realized the problem was that Dokku has a stupid error message that makes it sound like it has already automatically chosen a Go buildpack when in fact it has not. I was additionally getting confused because I was seeing Dokku installing Go and not realizing that was because of my +heroku instruction in my go.mod file rather than Dokku automatically using a Go buildpack. The solution was to specify a Go buildpack for my app with `dokku buildpacks:add <my-app> heroku/go`. Now getting a new error: "Failed to connect to database". Fixed it by switching my code to use the `DATABASE_URL` environment variable that Dokku creates for your code to connect to the db. My `git push dokku main` finally succeeded, but I'm still getting a CORS error. Eventually figured out it was because my Dokku app name was `whatdo-backend` when I had forgotten that that would also be the name of the subdomain, so I had to delete the app and recreate it with the name `api`. I also created a `/ping` health-check URL to help me debug this more quickly. I'm now getting a 521 error, I think maybe because Dokku is running on http and Cloudflare is reaching out via https?
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Deploy to Dokku #stenograph
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Self host frontend - Setup Dokku app with documentation - Migrate deployment to Dokku app - Setup CI to automatically deploy on Dokku - Update DNS #treasure
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switch to dokku #pushmore
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get dokku up-and-running on linode
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Fix Dokku deploy #stenograph
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Continuing to try to get my dokku API to work, looking into an `ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED` error. I posted for help on the dokku github:… I suspect the issue may be caused by my not having SSL set up but I'm not sure. I can't even find the logs where the refused connection is being logged.
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point domain to dokku instance #mediumlytics
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Continuing to try to get Dokku working with a monorepo; I think I got past my last problem of how to deploy both apps by running on the server `dokku builder:set backend-app build-dir backend` (and similar for the frontend); now I'm seeing a new error when I try to deploy the frontend app: `Two different lockfiles found: package-lock.json and yarn.lock`; I seemed to fix it by deleting the yarn.lock. New error: "Missing script: start"; fixed that by adding a 'start' entry to my package.json. New error: "Cannot find module '@vitejs/plugin-vue'"; maybe because it's listed as a devDependency? I found this SO post where the guy said he ended up just putting his frontend on Netlify, so maybe I'll try that instead:… ChatGPT is saying the way to do it is to deploy my API at and then direct traffic at other subdomains to Netlify to handle frontend requests. So I'll try that tomorrow.
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attempt using custom subdomain with dokku+ec2, get frustrated #hapramp
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Write up stream of consciousness style self hosting guide with Dokku because it's the best:… #life !private
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Looking into why `git push dokku main` didn't work. After much Googling, it was because my $5/mo 1 GB droplet didn't have enough RAM to build the Ruby on Rails demo app. So my plan is to use the $12/mo droplet to get the demo working and then try to downgrade to the $5/mo droplet when I switch to trying to use Dokku with my Go backend.
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setup Dokku on Hetzner Cloud
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