Push More
Truncate long payloads even more because somehow our current truncation isn't always enough #pushmore
Show proper error message in JSON when user makes bad request #pushmore
Dockerize #pushmore and deploy it with Kamal to Digital Ocean
Upgrade from Rails 5 to Rails 7 🥵 #pushmore
Build v2 prototype where you can include buttons in your messages to run callbacks (GET or POST webhooks) #pushmore
Migrate to #pushmore
Add support for parse modes. Just add a parse_mode param to the URL with either html, markdown, or markdownv2. Requested by @Jankeesvw #pushmore
truncate long messages so we can still send them #pushmore
link to my other products #pushmore
switch to dokku #pushmore
switch DNS to cloudflare #pushmore
get dokku app up-and-running with help from @daniellockyer #pushmore
migrate to hatchbox/linode #pushmore
make my first rubygem #pushmore
hit on HN frontpage #pushmore
post to HN #pushmore
get featured on BL… #pushmore
get featured on PH… #pushmore
make code example screenshots for launch #pushmore