Similar todos
Deploy to Dokku #stenograph
Fix Dokku deploy #stenograph
set up dokku server
deploy to dokku on digital ocean #poolparty
schedule "deployment options: Netlify + Dokku on DO" #codewithhugo
migrate to dokku on linode #faces
migrate to dokku on linode #expensivechat
Hit an error when trying to deploy the dokku app, I think it's because I have both a frontend dir and a backend dir in my repo. I think the next step is to try to follow the example of this github repo to deploy two separate dokku apps:…
migrate to dokku app #eatmore
setup Dokku on Hetzner Cloud
get dokku app up-and-running with help from @daniellockyer #pushmore
Dokku: Starting going through this guide:… Got stuck for ~40mins on `git push dokku main` b/c I hadn't run the `git remote add dokku <url>` command correctly: I had to specify my droplet's IP instead of my domain name (b/c cloudflare blocks port 22), I wasn't supposed to start the URL with ssh://, and I somehow ended up with the wrong IP in the URL at one point.
switch to dokku #pushmore
Started learning Dokku / trying to set it up with Digital Ocean. ty @ben ... joined the dokku discord; went through this guide:… ; switched my whatdo domain in DigitalOcean to point to the new dokku droplet ; asked for help in the forum to understand what it means for "the web UI [to be] submitted":… ; I think it's referring to the DO UI for creating the new droplet ; next step for tomorrow: go through this guide:…
setup dokku and test how it works
migrate to dokku linode #linkhyper
Write up stream of consciousness style self hosting guide with Dokku because it's the best:… #life !private
Continuing to look into the CORS error I'm getting when my frontend tries to make an API request to my backend; it seems my backend dokku app wasn't deployed for some reason; destroyed my existing go dokku app and recreated it and then struggled with an error for a while before realizing I had the same issue a few days ago and the solution was to run `dokku builder:set backend-app build-dir backend`; now getting an error saying the download for my specified version of Go is "unknown to the buildpack"; after much trial-and-error I realized the problem was that Dokku has a stupid error message that makes it sound like it has already automatically chosen a Go buildpack when in fact it has not. I was additionally getting confused because I was seeing Dokku installing Go and not realizing that was because of my +heroku instruction in my go.mod file rather than Dokku automatically using a Go buildpack. The solution was to specify a Go buildpack for my app with `dokku buildpacks:add <my-app> heroku/go`. Now getting a new error: "Failed to connect to database". Fixed it by switching my code to use the `DATABASE_URL` environment variable that Dokku creates for your code to connect to the db. My `git push dokku main` finally succeeded, but I'm still getting a CORS error. Eventually figured out it was because my Dokku app name was `whatdo-backend` when I had forgotten that that would also be the name of the subdomain, so I had to delete the app and recreate it with the name `api`. I also created a `/ping` health-check URL to help me debug this more quickly. I'm now getting a 521 error, I think maybe because Dokku is running on http and Cloudflare is reaching out via https?