Continuing to try to get Dokku working with a monorepo; I think I got past my last problem of how to deploy both apps by running on the server `dokku builder:set backend-app build-dir backend` (and similar for the frontend); now I'm seeing a new error when I try to deploy the frontend app: `Two different lockfiles found: package-lock.json and yarn.lock`; I seemed to fix it by deleting the yarn.lock. New error: "Missing script: start"; fixed that by adding a 'start' entry to my package.json. New error: "Cannot find module '@vitejs/plugin-vue'"; maybe because it's listed as a devDependency? I found this SO post where the guy said he ended up just putting his frontend on Netlify, so maybe I'll try that instead:… ChatGPT is saying the way to do it is to deploy my API at and then direct traffic at other subdomains to Netlify to handle frontend requests. So I'll try that tomorrow.