Similar todos
Updated Company and Updates sections of main landing page footer #listskit
Added dark mode template to main site and boilerplate. Updated footer section. #listskit
Updated Updates section in footer #listskit
Updated blank boilerplate with email obfuscation, modalDescription data, 3rd pricing column, tested Lighthouse - still 100, and mobile scores improved too what?! #listskit
Updated footer of docs page, added new lighthouse score screenshot and link #listskit
Added more testimonials (it's filling up now!), and updated footer "Updates" section #listskit
Shipped some updates to og images of main site to update tagline, and free tool directories to mention Lists Kit. #listskit
Updated changelog section in footer #listskit
Based on user feedback, added more inline comments to guide users, at sticky footer tag and directoryData array - in /demo & blank boilerplate. Updated readme file on beta repo with more tips. #listskit
Media query fixes for navbar, hero, carousel, filter modal, pricing, testimonial, about sections, on landing page and on demo template #listskit
Added email obfuscation to hide emails from crawlers in boilerplate. Added new data item for modal description in data array in boilerplate, so that text in modal would be different. Added function to auto-update the lifetime updates superscript tag from the footer's updates in home page. #listskit
Changed hero section design of home page - switched name to nav logo, added tagline to hero h1. + various media query fixes #listskit
Fixed typo in affiliate link disclaimer of footer across all 15 pages, boilerplates, demo pages 🤦♂️ #listskit
Various style fixes - hide navbar btn, hide placeholder testimonial, changed hero btn and hero sub-text #listskit
Manually update all the og images and thumbnails of Lists Kit in other backlinked places - twitter, saas starters, commit365, directory starters, payhip #listskit
More Lighthouse optimizations - compressed imgs for better perf, tweaked brand color and text, btns color for higher contrast & better a11y, padding fixes, added robots.txt and sitemap.xml for better SEO #listskit
Added alt text to all <img> tags for better accessibility scores, on landing page and on boilerplates (both main and beta) #listskit
updated #jobs style on the detail page show the company logo and updated the list partial styles
Various fixes to navbar, scroll points, testimonials. copy for both boilerplate and keto list #ketolistsingapore #listskit
Update the dashboard logo and colors to match the new landing page #domainwatchman