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Reworked the hero section to be a bit more eye-catching (fire emoji) and added the X integration to the landing page because I forgot to do that after I shipped it:… #watchdog !private
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add link to AMA as a hero CTA fallback #codewithhugo
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Create the magic link hero image for #starter
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add [ 🙊 Your profile ] link in #remoteok nav
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when add link show how your link should look #thx
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Add calculator link to hero section #inpilot
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add link to post #thx
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add visible link to starter on story page #starterstory
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[Preview] Adding links to your bio #btfy
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add link to how to page
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add #pkgstats link to site #rockkick
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Add link to login on Signup #wipbadge
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change hero image
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Add link to charity website #givewithella
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add wave to hero section #prototypr
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See @marc become a customer of Watchdog (thank you @marc!) and post about that + the X integration going live:… Will update landing page and post on other socials later, not advertising it too heavily besides on X for now #watchdog
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#roleup Add a link to make RSS feed discoverable
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change hero #yelmair
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Updated hero video on the landing page #simplegoals
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🚀 Feature: Add ability to add link to highlighted text or typing valid url #blurt
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