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Discover that YouTube continues adding new cool AI features #youtube
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Built a new feature today to find out if AI will replace your job #aijobs
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Check out new AI model #danceai
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created AI Assistant Chat for my #docgptai. So far amazing results to replace typical online chat to reduce time on online support. Going to collect top 20 questions from online support and test/train the AI Assitant Chat Bot #instabotgpt
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feature on FastCompany #photoai…
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Using AI to set my meetings. This can't go wrong. #thepaulhlife
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and AI helped me find the bug, noice
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Experiment with AI 🧪🧠
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Read "AI News" newsletter
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study AI #glife
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study AI #glife
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Posted on lifelog #misc…
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feature in IFDM #interiorai…
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🤖 more AI writing project
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Work in a blog post using AI #villasmediterranean
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Experiment with AI #morflaxstudio
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got some fancy chart done by claudeAI on how the AI integration into #feedbackbasket can go, mind blowing how it just went above and beyond, I just asked for an explanation. 🤯
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Work on UX for AI feature
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Tried the PyCharm (Jetbrains) AI Assistant for the first time and was very impressed, it seems better than ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot.
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#life See AI generated ad in the wild
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