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#matchfit : Fix duplicate message sending
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figure out what's been causing repeated message bugs on #writt
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check for duplicates in email sequence because I screwed up and sent twice the same this morning 😅
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#slackdiscord investigate duplicate messages
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Prevent duplicate todo broadcasts in Telegram #wip
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bb: fix extremely idiotic messaging bug
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#slackdiscord Locate likely source of bug causing double messages
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Fix scheduling bug with messages double sending #hellohailey
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send 8 more of those emails
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Create broadcast messages asynchronously so we immediately can respond a 200 status to Telegram webhook and it doesn't keep retrying leading to a SHITLOAD of broadcasts #marcbot
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add better outdated message #upgradeyourphp
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error handle so that it won't repeat pinging telegram #makergoalbot
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fix same msg in same channel detected as flooding #nomads chat
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fixed a bug where the message got removed #support
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cleanup mass msging faq and send it to users
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Fix Duplicate Notifications Sent for @meowmeowson #lessonsofhn
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sent out 2 more WIP invites - if they let me down I'll make a bot to spam them 😂
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shipped a fix for #zeropercent daily message, ensuring delivery despite any error with a single user
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fix a bug that caused reminders to be sent too frequently #spectate
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#slackdiscord Add check if we have a message with ID already to avoid sending duplicates as Slack sends us all the events we missed whenever we restart the app and will keep sending them until we answer with the envelope, so if I'm making tiny incremental changes the app might exit before we answer the envelope and thus we might send the message twice
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