User Chat

User Chat


Real Time Chat/Message API & SDKs
Launched March 1, 2018
added emojis selections and search to #userchat
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Release latest verison of #userchat
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add emoji support to #userchat
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slashed 270kb from SDK by extracting UI and writing vanilla javascript.. userchat sdk and all its glory now weighs in at a wopping 89k #userchat
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add visibility checking for more accurate viewed message tracking(i.e. perfect) #userchat
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bug: fix delete message issue where deleteing a message creates a new message and then tries to fetch it #userchat
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fix funny infinite growing height issue where a chat box with no frame or min height with messages grows infinitly by 1 pixel a second... hmmm #userchat
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style new iframe chat box #userchat
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fix keyup event handler on esc edit #userchat
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extracted long polling management into its own thing #userchat
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fix pending message overlay #userchat
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box.create should drop in an iframe that sources the sdk #userchat
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extract user chat box from the brunch sdk #userchat
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create a basic demo implementation of #userchat and write a blog post about it
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fixed bug in user-chat-js-sdk where chat would render with no height when user did not set a height on the parent element #userchat
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ship new admin dashboard changes #userchat
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ship adjusted marketing page #userchat
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hide back to servers link if only 1 server #userchat
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if account only has 1 server, automatically open the server dashboard instead of landing on the servers page #userchat
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answer at least one question on quora related to #userchat
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