Similar todos
Update website colors to have better contrast so Lighthouse accessibility is 100 #checkyourlist
tweak styles on Lighthouse report viewer to better differentiate between sections #optimizetoolset
Darken gray text to improve Lighthouse accessibility score #domainwatchman
add Accessibility and SEO sections to LighthouseReportViewer #optimizetoolset
livecode improving lighthouse scores #serverlesshandbook
Lighthouse optimizations - added lang-"en", added width and height to all imgs, reduced size of hero background-image, added aria-labels to critical anchor links, added lazy loading for all imgs. Should I keep going? 🤔 #listskit
Improve Lighthouse scores #appwatch
some lighthouse improvements #fullstackjob
More Lighthouse optimizations - compressed imgs for better perf, tweaked brand color and text, btns color for higher contrast & better a11y, padding fixes, added robots.txt and sitemap.xml for better SEO #listskit
improve lighthouse #aviaryanin
add section icons to Lighthouse report viewer #optimizetoolset
Improvements after Lighthouse Audits #piggy
fix: errors light house #indiemakers
add Best Practices and PWA audits to Lighthouse report viewer #optimizetoolset
improve Lighthouse score #coinshilling
improve Lighthouse score
Noticed that the website was loading pretty slow. Apparently I was using ~2MB images😅 Lighthouse report is still not great, but the website is definitely faster now. #homesteadlist