Similar todos
Check email cron #remoteindex
make cronjob for trial emails #lucidbot
fixed email cron job bug #sponsorgap
accidentally send myself a ton of emails with a rogue cron job
Email service in cron #leadstracker
fix cron jobs for daily email sending #quickcode
debugging emails sending at #devopsprojectshq
Add email cron to send newsletter #remoteindex
I am working on a script that will gather real emails, send them off to backend functions, and test that things are working correctly. Some stuff just isn't right and I need a lot of real emails to help me find bugs.
check if emails are sent
test out a dummy email send #goldenhour
#spotgetter ⚡ test emails: load fake attempt data
#docgptai created a seprated cron-job project in render for running discount emails
Set up cronjob to send emails daily
#showhntop auto email working (test mode)
Cron job monitoring for transactional mails. Spoilers: It worked. #contracting