Similar todos
Learned how to add custom font with custom size in Tailwind CSS #rebuildinpublic
Convinced myself to use tailwindcss more
implemented tailwindcss into #growthhacklist and started to change css
Learn the basics of Tailwind CSS #sharespace
🏎 improved font loading times by switching to ?display=swag on my peronsal website.… #mylife
Add first TailwindCSS template #tailplate
#gq Rip fonts from Typekit and setup Tailwind with brand guides so I can iterate quickly
Add Tailwind CSS #buildinpublic
⬆️ Upgraded #jobs to use Tailwind CSS 3.4.0
tailwind and font added. #shaz
Work on Tailwind CSS builder #random
Picked a nice font pair #streaky
install tailwind - I couldn't resist no having to write loads of css #collector
⬆️ upgraded TailwindCSS to 1.8.7 for my blog and a bunch of other stuff #mylife
📝 drafted a blog article about Tailwind CSS and the advantages of it being fiddly #jeff
Fetch google fonts, create a dropdown, show 20 chosen fonts, show the font selection as preview and apply the font to the text on user selection - finish off by adding opening and closing to the dropdown to align with the nav bar #books
working on adding tailwind #shipr