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Remember this night I woke up because pain in shoulders/back so maybe I overtrained F #gym
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went to the gym (back still a little sore), and trying to add something on #devopsprojectshq
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Upper body body weight workout done —> enjoying my sore upper back and shoulders #bodevolution 💪🏼
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start working out - back
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skip gym, resting my back
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skip gym cause hurt my back yesterday #life
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go #gym lower body and hurt my back again 😥
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pulled my back in the gym today, time for a brufen
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get my back worked on
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leg and back day finished, again pulled my back just a bit, it's really annoying...maybe dead lifts aren't for me?
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Went to ostheo to fix my blocked back. Got injured yesterday on a CrossFit workout 🤦‍♂️
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Rest day, my arms really ache, must've been a good exercise lol
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Did leg day, and I did an excellent back workout but I got so dizzy at the end, I thought I would faint and my heart was racing like 1000 beats per minute....
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CrossFit. Hurt my back almost a month ago doing snatches. Couldn't walk for almost 3 days 😬 Been slowly trying to get back into it the last two weeks, but recovery is slow since I'm old now 😆 #life
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🤕 sick in bed for half the day due to headaches and my body not liking a week of over working #mylife
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Finished back workout #life #fightie
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Feel so sick today, 🤧 might not do any working out
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finished back workout #life #fightie
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finished back workout #fightie #life
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finished back workout #fightie #life
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