Similar todos
work on making the glowing hieroglyphs cooler #mused
make sand you can walk on & make the hieroglyphs glow #mused
extract features for overlay highlighting on walls w/Segment Anything #spaceshare
Experiment with materials & textures #morflaxstudio
Edit graphics to show new features #ceev
Work on visuals of a project
#pintura add different shapes on top of image
make illustrations overview #pasfoto
outline better #podlink artwork needs
add overlay text attributes and gradient dimmer #airlinelist
add overlay interactions #buildingo
work on dark overlay
Make some graphics #sparkbase
Learn enough After Effects to make the revealing pixels animation #pixelchallenge
wow multiple layers with solid + pattern + linear gradient started working #csspro
Finalize a few of the colored components (for now because I found it quite hard as I created a background gradient that animates) #creativity
finish multiple layers with solid + pattern + linear gradient #csspro
work on dust shader #mused