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write a twitter thread #jsonify…
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✏️ I wrote about blocking AI User Agents…
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Did a little hack and built a YOLOv8+GPT4v AI desktop agent. Sound on! 🔊… #thepaulhlife
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Ran an AI experiment then wrote a tweet thread sharing results:…
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write post about ai #makerpath
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Write top internet stuff thread #ss…
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write blog/email about AI in the context of testing #blog2
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created several personal AI agents via ollama #leifinlavida
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post linkedin post about AI →… #thundercontent #videoaime
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Read "AI News" newsletter
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Finish twitter thread about Adriaan Rossum and "How to drive traffic from Hacker News" #marketingexamples…
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write blog about the AI attendee matching thingy we built #blog2 #aiplay
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got AI writing with real user writing samples
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#schedulebot Tweet 13-part thread about the bot and how it works (…)
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do Twitter thread where people can choose my adventure with AI to demonstrate #photoai…
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reading about critical thinking - interested to see how AI affected this. (writing a blog about it for twitter/linekdin) #life
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reading about critical thinking - interested to see how AI affected this. (writing a blog about it for twitter/linekdin)
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write thread how to build #interiorai…
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playing with the code from a cool new paper on mobile UI agents that just dropped #thepaulhlife
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hacking on new AI side project
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