Similar todos
finish threejs vanilla virtual tour setup for building gamified tours & other apps where you need to change the images #spaceshare
write newsletter w/tomb and new system for building virtual tours w/360 video #mused #spaceshare
process a 360 video + lidar scan combined of my friends art installation into a virtual tour #spaceshare
test new method in blender for showing reconstruction of statues, get rest of guided tour script coded up w/o any other animations yet #mused
add link to the new guided tour from the qr code on the wall in the museum #mused
train three new spaces & render videos #mused
create 3 new images for explainers #mobilecavalry
make walkthrough 3 video #reactd32018
Build interactive prototype maps in Figma #brewfolk
Replace 3D Tours with Google StreetView or 360 Views #portalblick
Get each step from 360 video >> virtual tour working & spend sick/jetlagged days solving a ton of bugs in interface aligning 360 data to env, virtual tour ui, etc #spaceshare
write script for live Zoom guided tour, featuring virtual tours of 8/10 top attractions in Egypt by Tripadvisor in 20 minutes #mused -- with an optional 50 minutes after for more monuments, history, mythology
Create 3 promo videos #valyy
Build converter to bridge data captured from other cameras and phone into new game tour engine #spaceshare
watch t3's most recent production build tutorial #skills
add 3d buildings to #hotellist