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create thumbnails when submitting a video #fotoloods
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Creating thumbnails from videos #visulry
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finish threejs vanilla virtual tour setup for building gamified tours & other apps where you need to change the images #spaceshare
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thumbnails for testing videos
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Created thumbnails and video previews #indx
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change vimeo thumbnails #pasfoto
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Shoot thumbnail and replace still from video #vids
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Start rewriting service to generate embed thumbnails for #noticeable
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Replace 3D Tours with Google StreetView or 360 Views #portalblick
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add thumbnails #cardmapr
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process a user submitted video for making a virtual tour for real estate via nerf #mused
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beta homebrew virtual tour from 360 video input #mused
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write newsletter w/tomb and new system for building virtual tours w/360 video #mused #spaceshare
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create thumbnail preview for #fajarsiddiq
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update thumbnail of latest video #velosofy
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render first user-submitted video to neural radiance field virtual tour #mused
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update thumbnails #fajarsiddiq
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make thumbnail for clip video #blog…
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remove old versions of tours from gcp storage b/c people are embedding them in iframes #mused
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launch all updates to change product to focus on virtual tours #mused
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