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Send apology email to private beta users #mumu
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apology email (x2) #newco
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send apology email with free job posts to company where we messed up with bugs and did not refund them #remoteok
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send an apollogy letter to two (factually, converted) users from a waitlist #ptah. Signup was broken for some time due to misconfiguration in mailer.
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permanently fix reason for #crisp major global downtime today
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send customer support reply with real apologies to user who kept getting charged $ for months and couldn't cancel his subscription because he couldn't login #nomads
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Sent everyone a follow-up email explaining and apologizing for the previous email #wip
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worked on #djangopackages scoring over the outage
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Send apology 😂😭… #postcard
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fix server downtime #shipr
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#spotgetter ⚡ email customers about system being back online
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give free 5 training credits to users affected by training bug last 2 days #photoai
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refund + manually create accounts + send emails to customers affected by sign up bug in last 12 hours #nomads
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send sorry email for stupid logo bug and free coupon for new job post #remoteok
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add apology for inactive members who received year-in-review email with useless page #wip
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create apology email in case you spam everybody on accident
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#trackfootball fix a 500 server error for logged in users introduced while coding late yesterday 😅
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recover from an evening of server hell & murphys law at #crisp due to a digitalocean backup slowing a mongodb cluster server so much that it led to full cluster collapse and 30m #crisp downtime
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#applicantai upgrade server to hire plan cuz seems like it was down for 9 minutes and customer can’t save notes
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fixed an onboaring bug which affected 1/6th of new users #skillmap
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