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Bust Macbook screen 😓
take the day off to hack on my new NAS computer
Feel social media withdrawal I think after blocking all social media websites on my laptop 2 days ago and now I feel angry / anxious when out of habit I press Cmd+T and open social media and it doesn't load and my brain doesn't like it but it'll be better #life
Buy new computer for work
Battle with my old azz macbook pro. I won the battle, but not war 😞 #life
Gather old computers to get rid of #sp
#life De-clutter desk because it was getting out of hand
finally fix the stuff in my home office that's been bugging me
no computer day
fire up computer after week off #allplay
make My computer skill #random
Fix computer after breaking it #lifeee
procrastinate by zapping 2gigs worth of unused apps from computer
format a friend's computer because why not 🤷🏻♀️
Block myself from accessing the website #startupjobs 😅