Similar todos
added more testimonials to the site #blogrecorder
Tweaked static testimonials on landing page - linked the static testimonials to the respective tweets for more legitimacy. And some style tweaks #pluginsforcarrd
Added awesome testimonials to #directoryfast
adding tweets on testimonial #fajarsiddiq
update front page with new testimonial #weroster
Added social proof in the website #niusleters
Redo testimonials with tweet widgets -
Easily add tweets in the wall of testimonials #testimonial
started to add testimonials to #sponsorgap
about page: add social proof logos
add more social proof to website #blogrecorder
add testimonials + sales number to social proof on landing page #cssscan
Add testimonials to website #pixelsnap
Add new testimonial to website #pixelsnap
add testimonials with photos to homepage #serverlesshandbook
Added more testimonials (it's filling up now!), and updated footer "Updates" section #listskit