fix calendar link throwing exception #weroster
fix app template not loading third-party JS with correct user variables #weroster
finish promo video #weroster
add Facebook Pixel #weroster
add Mixpanel events #weroster
finish availability section of promo video #weroster
mock up new layout with Tailwind and Vuejs #weroster
add Laravel Horizon #weroster
upgrade to Laravel 5.5 #weroster
update tutorial #weroster
update front page with new testimonial #weroster
allow users to resend verification email #weroster
allow managers to resend welcome email to staff #weroster
connect EmailOctopus with Amazon SES #weroster
set up EmailOctopus #weroster
respond to support query about leave request error #weroster
fix leave requests not showing #weroster
answer support queries #weroster
fix email addresses not being verified #weroster
plan out onboarding process #weroster