Similar todos
Get psyched for RailsWorld #orchetta
listen to first session at RailsSaaS Athens
Attend Rails World #orchetta
finally finish setting up a new Rails site #secret
finish notes for upcoming talk #fajarsiddiq
continue working on my Balkan Ruby talk
🚀 Working on my Ruby on Rails project
Posted on socials about my planned talk at RubyConf
finish talk outlines for summit #eekayonline
Post tutorial on /r/rails #mugshotbot
more work on rails api #starterstory
work on last sprint of senior project #life
Meet with @itsameandrea yesterday and geek out on Ruby on Rails 😄 #life
moar fiddling with new Rails project #10k
3. prepare for DjangoLondon talk ✅ #greendeploy
ruby on rails refresher #rubyrocks
Commute home from Rails World #orchetta
setup rails application #freelaworks