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Lose wip streak because of busy day 🙃
I lost my wip streak at 89 because I forgot to hit send on Telegram. I did what every dev would do: create a cronjob which sends me an email if I forgot to post for the day
got immersed with work and forgot to update WIP. Lost my 142 day streak :( #life
lose wip streak because being offline for a day, woops #life
loose streak on wip cause I was updating all my computers so I didn't get notified about logging
Lost my streak (again) #life
lost my streak due to a very long day with lot's of work... the irony 🥲 #life
lost my 30day wip streak
😞 lose my WIP streak after 68 days
restart WIP streak 😢
Lose 90 day streak because I was too busy churning out code for this:… #life
lost streak due to a very long day with lot's of work... again 😓 #life
lost my WIP streak cause I had too much fun IRLing and sailing with friends yesterday