Similar todos
Create Intro post on WIP
Re-organize all the intro stuff in Roam #theportal
Remove old-style introductions (posts tagged with "introduction") #wip
refactoring the app to streamline how new posts are added. Less like Instagram and more like WeatherShot
Post first WIP Intro (as a test): #wip
refactor blog post layout #fnbtools
change intros #blog
#sheet2site refactoring: detailed pages mvp
Refactor a bunch of different code (feature envy etc) #startupjobs
Finish refactor for new feature #magetools
refactor app to be more modular #plato
rough version of the intro post #metrics
Major refactor #sendmelater
Continue #noticeable internal refactoring.
Continue #ipregistry internal refactoring.
adapt old blogpost as intro of new section #reactd32018
#sheet2site refactoring: detailed pages
Refactor messages publishing logic, make previews work #stenograph
Working on #mapmelon posts system