F&B Tools
get blog post layout to a state where i'm satisfied with it. Raw-dogging vanilla CSS because i'm a masochist #fnbtools
continue working on post layout and styling #fnbtools
get mobile menu layout and styling to satisfactory levels #fnbtools
refactor layout to be more simple and composable #fnbtools
continue editing blog post on time spent on social media #fnbtools #fnbsocial
start on new blog post #fnbtools #fnbsocial
edit contact form #fnbtools #fnbsocial
tweak styling for How It Works page #fnbtools #fnbsocial
start writing first blog post #fnbsocial #fnbtools
add table of contents sidebar to blog posts, that highlights titles when user scrolls through post #fnbtools #fnbsocial
start adding content to blog to seed SEO #fnbtools #fnbsocial
try Netlify forms for the first time #fnbsocial #fnbtools
update: It works!
DNS and email settings #fnbsocial #fnbtools
check that all links on landing page work. add terms & privacy #fnbsocial #fnbtools
add dropdown to navbar #fnbsocial #fnbtools
finish layout, styling, and copy for Contact page #fnbsocial #fnbtools
finish layout, styling, and copy for About page #fnbsocial #fnbtools
turn blog sidebar into a component. finish [tag] page layout #fnbtools #fnbsocial
finish 'Resources' page structure with featured posts, topical posts, sidebar with tags and CTAs #fnbtools #fnbsocial idk how to use Figma or any wireframing app, always just scratch something on paper
start working on 'Resources' page #fnbtools #fnbsocial