Continue backend rewrite #noticeable
Spend the day to investigate and fix Amazon SES Complaint Review #noticeable
Continue work on #noticeable Newspage backend rewrite.
Continue rewrite of #noticeable Newspage backend.
Rewrite custom #noticeable phrases library for internationalization.
Fix #noticeable emails issue.
Rewrite #noticeable Newspage backend.
Move #noticeable staging cluster to k8s with Talos.
#noticeable support.
Move #noticeable production microservices to new k8s cluster that uses Talos.
Resolve an issue leading to significantly higher-than-expected requests in certain cases with #noticeable widgets.
Support for #noticeable.
Identified the cause of an Oauth2 tokens renewal issue with #noticeable integrations.
Refine #noticeable lightbox for Newspages and Widgets.
Cache database queries made for #noticeable Newspages.
Fix an issue with SAML auth on #noticeable.
Enhance TypeScript types for #noticeable widgets and SDK projects
Fix CSS issue with #noticeable Newspages.
Work on #noticeable widgets.
Fix an icon glitch on #noticeable dashboard.