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Email customer about end of trial #sitesauce
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1 recent trial user just cancelled trial #lifelog
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1 recent trial user just cancelled trial #lifelog
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send the email to the 250 less active users explaining why they're moved to the trial plan #hyperping
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⚗️ Experiment: Started manually sending pre-payment notice emails to customers to offer free trial extension for the undecided. The aim is to: - remind customer to use app cos people forget - offer goodwill cos nobody likes surprise charges - opportunity to engage for feedback - reduce potential cc disputes #lifelog
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Manually scheduled emails to remind free trial users 3 days in advance that $10 subscription charge will be starting soon #lifelog
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Email everyone that signed up >= 3d ago and ask why they haven't started a trial yet #simpleotp
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Notify users 1 day before the trial ends #mindwave
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Give 5 free messages per day, even after trial finishes, so people can continue to use #marcbot and they keep receiving a subtle upsell each day when they hit their limit (versus completely revoking access after trial)
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All new accounts have 30 days trial automatically added. No need to enter payment details if they want to test out paid features. #btfy
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Remove free trial so when a user's free credits are used up, they will immediately get billed when they subscribe #roomai
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reset all old accounts on #killspam to immediately have another free 30 day trial
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1 user signed up for trial and cancelled subscription same day #lifelog
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sent quick proposals to free trial clients. thinking of either shortening the number of days for free trials or none at all #fcto #leifinlavida
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change 'trial expires' mail and add the option to extend trial (first month free) when purchasing a monthly. #mindwave
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redirect free #photoai users to paid signup because no free anymore gotta pay the bills
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Automated Email when trial about to end. Keep it clean and simple #collectablestracker
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add follow up email for registrations who don't convert to trial after 15 minutes #pbn
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v1.1 - Send the admin(s) an e-mail that the free trial is over, and a link to upgrade #sparkly
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#lucidbot deactivate accounts of some trial subscribers who could still use premium version
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