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installed Blink Shell on my iPads and iPhone to try and do some iPad VS Code dev #mylife
updated #jeff using GitHub Codespaces including previewing it from my browser. In theory, I can iPad Pro develop now.
Some prototyping on iPad #progrs
verify you can in fact code on an ipad
setup VSCode on remote VPS so I can use it on Google Chrome and code on iPad #life
get stuff working on iPad #consumers
testing on ipad #infinitestories 2.0
Trying to fix the mobile development environment #dayjob
working on my electron app #lab
start ios development course
Test out smol developer on building an iOS app #aiexperiments
just coding at a Blenz #cafehopping
livecode trying out NextJS #codewithswiz
get a mac for ios dev and set it up
vetted a bunch of iPad and iPhone writing apps and installed a few to try out. my blogging has been lacking for a while #mylife
finish iPad App #coderunnerpro