configure Ghostty to open tmux window selector on cmd+w or cmd+t on MacOS #atd
log nginx access events in json and send them to CloudWatch via fluentbit #atd
use Obsidian while offline in-flight. Write docs for a project. Can’t do it with Notion. #atd
fix servereless 500 function-per-stack limit #atd
be brave with slow feedback loop of troubleshoting docker build & docker push & helm upgrade #atd
troubleshoot Redis TLS & Rails #atd
get nginx/rails static assets volume sharing working #atd
drain nodes #atd
load client's app to test WAF #atd
debug locked helm release #atd
bork AWS RDS Instance to AWS RDS Aurora snapshot migration. It just got "stuck" #atd
build arm64 docker on an arm64 hetzner vm #atd
configure external-dns for ARM64 EKS nodes #atd
write a bash function so I can submit TODOs from my cli #atd
post about a project that I've offloaded 11 years ago and that is still alive and Ego-less learnings #atd
observe DocumentDB Cluster delete & final snapshot bug: if the snapshot name already exists it will not create it but start deleting the cluster anyway #atd
stumble upon Get impressed #atd
unearth my old mdadm raid array and try to recover it on a slow 32 bit arm SBC #atd
build k6 perf test into a CI/CD #atd