Similar todos
Adjusted the colors on the home page #pickant
Reducing contrast to make it easier on the eyes #mintis
#web3jobs change banner color to fit main website colors without killing eyes
Update website colors to have better contrast so Lighthouse accessibility is 100 #checkyourlist
Overall design tweaks (changed some colors, changed separator size, fixed some alignments, input border color on focus, etc) #devhub
alter colors to give page more life #financialtoolbelt
design tweeks on the color grading screen #infinitestories 3.0
#notes Make light theme less of an eyesore to look at
fix bg color bug #csspro
small css tweaks for consistency of colours #wi
test new bg color #gamequitters (thx @deadcoder0904)
Changed the color theme of the code examples for #screenshotone to a darker one.
Improvement: better dark color scheme #devsync
updated the font and color scheme to make it more readable #witsio
🎨 switched the website back to grayscale to stop getting lost on pointless design elements #conf
🎨 Updated homepage to use new color scheme. (yay, tailwindcss) #djangonews