Create a 404 page #pickant
Small color changes on profile page #pickant
Fixed the menu display on mobile #pickant
Refreshed the Avatar resources #pickant
Deleted and created adjustements in my DB #pickant
Redesigned the user profile page with a click to modify form directly implemented in the body #pickant
Created a robots.txt and sitemap.xml on #pickant
Redesigned and Rephrased the home page #pickant
Redesigned the header of all the pages before connexion on #pickant
Corrected all bugs on the pages before connexion on #pickant
Analyzed all my pages before connexion on the chrome devtool #pickant
Posted a message on reddit on my project…
Analyze the PROCESSLIST on #pickant
Optimize all the loading pages and resources needing to load pages on #pickant
Create a clear view on each page I have on my solution #pickant
Control the loading time of each page of #pickant
Rewrite the URLs with htaccess #pickant
Adjusted the colors on the home page #pickant
Rephrased the keywords on the home page #pickant
Find a great tuto on "Cache systems" #pickant