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support 64-bit user IDs because Telegram is a rocketship and new user IDs don't fit in 32 bit anymore #kornwolf
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remove Telegram ID from magic links because new users might not have their Telegram ID set yet (h/t @misterbruce) #wip
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fixed a bug where the telegram token was ignored #support
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remove '#' prefix from inline query user IDs because Telegram for Android chokes and shows hashtag dialog #kornwolf
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resolve @username style chat IDs from config (via Telegram API) #kornwolf
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change username (telegram issue) thanks @marckohlbrugge #wip
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Make message URL sharing work across all Telegram group types. Telegram's developers are on hard drugs and return chat IDs that are invalid for link sharing, you need to manually format them yourself and remove the "-100" prefix 🤦‍♂️ #watchdog !private
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fix bug where telegram bio couldn’t be fetched properly due to change in Telegram HTML structure #wip /cc @nilsw
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fixed an issue with Telegram short links (Telegram issue, not mine 🤷‍♂️) #zeropercent
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rework the telegram command organization #cryptomod
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Manually create and update 50 telegram topics because something wrong with the API and thread ids #jobboardsearch
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getting Telegram to be less buggy since the update
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Fix more Telegram topics that disappeared #jobboardsearch
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Fix more Telegram broken topics #jobboardsearch
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get used to using Telegram for todos!
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Fix a lot of Telegram broken topics #jobboardsearch
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migrate group profile widgets to new Telegram infra #kornwolf
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unify User and TelegramUser by adding #telegramId to User, eliminate TelegramUser model #kornwolf
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update meta tags in Telegram #screenshots
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report to telegram dev team #fajarsiddiq
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