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decide to use Codesandbox instead of CodePen going forward #reactd3workshop
📝 more tailwindcss frontend updates #conf
tailwindcss learning for redesign widget and public page #interstatehq
#divu write notes in many drafts + improve code to have better writing experience
cross-post observablehq for js prototyping #codewithhugo…
be on jsweekly
research nextjs + githubpages #adkandari
write post about adding a @swizec cheatsheet paywall in vanilla JS #codewithhugo
maybe fix weird textarea resize behaviour with flexbox #openform
working on the js widget #influenswer
study some js basics #studydev
Study JavaScript and take notes 📝 #dev
send JS library/coding feedback #codewithhugo
Review some Javascript docs & cheat sheets. #dev
clean up stuff
fix the wierd JS issue #tiffin
Add clipboard support so you can now copy/paste images and videos in any textarea that accepts file uploads (e.g. todos, comments, etc) #wip
Work on wipchad. Switch to Typescript because having to look up DB schema and passed props definition over and over is driving me nuts #buildstreak